The Bank's partner network
Construction materials Uzbekistan, Uchtepa, Tashkent, Toshkent halqa avtomobil yo'li, 20AMCHJ QASHQADARYO QURILISH
Construction materials O`zbekiston, Quyicirchik tumani, Toshkent Viloyati, Olg‘Abos ko'chasi, 5 A-uyYATT "UBAYDULLAYEV ILYOSJON RUSTAM O'G'LI"
Construction materials O'zbekiston, Sergeli tumani, Toshkent, Mehrigiyo ko'chasi, 6-mavzeMCHJ FREEDOM OF HIGHER TRAD
Construction materials O'zbekiston, Yunusobod tumani, Toshkent shahri, Ohangrabo ko'chasi, 3-uyMCHJ FIRST GLOBAL STONE
Construction materials O'zbekiston , O'rtachirchiq tumani , Toshkent viloyati , Avangard ko'chasi, 1SARVARJON UNIVERSAL SERVICE
Construction materials O'zbekiston, Samarqand shahar, Samarqand viloyati, Ro'dakiy ko'chasi, 192-uyMCHJ KRIPTEKS METAL 777
Construction materials O`zbekiston, Sergeli tumani, Toshkent shahri, Yangi sergeli ko'chasi, G-38NUKUS STROY MARKET
Construction materials Uzbekistan, Qoraqalpog'iston, Nukus, Beruniy, 1NASAF STROY TUJFS
Construction materials Uzbekistan, Qashqadaryo, Qarshi, Kamandi, 171Mega stroy
Construction materials Uzbekistan, Qashqadaryo, Qarshi, Nasaf, 266