News and press releases

News and press releases

  • Сброс
  • January
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  • InfinBank - is modern bank of a digital format in Uzbekistan

    We invite information technology and financial direction specialists to join our team

  • Dear clients!

    Dear customers, mobile services of the bank will not work from 14:00 to 14:30 in connection with the maintenance work today.

  • Happy Ramadan Hayit!

    On behalf of the whole team of InfinBank, please accept sincere congratulations on the holy holiday of Ramazan Hait!

  • Credit – online from Invest Finance Bank

    On June 1 JSCB "InvestFinanceBank" reported about start of a new product: online crediting of physical persons by way of the mobile application of bank.

  • Dear clients!

    Center today from 15:00 till 15:30 interruptions in operation of the international VISA and Union Pay cards are possible

  • BankEXPO 2019

    Three busy days, during which JSCB «InfinBank» were sharing  its new products and services, and also its emotions, has finished.


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