Conducting general (mass) events

Conducting general (mass) events

  • For the attention of shareholders of the Joint-Stock commercial bank «Invest Finance Bank» (September 20, 2019)

    According to the decision of the Bank Council meeting dated September 20, 2019, InFinBank JSCB informs that an extraordinary general meeting of the Bank shareholders will be held on October 15, 2019 at 15:00 in the conference hall of InFinBank JSCB located at the address: T. Street, Tashkent. Shevchenko, 1.

  • For the attention of shareholders of the Joint-Stock commercial bank «Invest Finance Bank» (April 26, 2018)

    According to the decision of Council meeting of JSCB «InFinBank» dated April 20, 2018, it is informed about conducting of the current annual general meeting of shareholders of the Bank on May 7, 2018 at 17.00, in the conference hall of JSCB «InFinBank», located at the address: Tashkent, street T.Shevchenko street, building 1.

  • For the attention of shareholders of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank «Invest Finance Bank» (February 6, 2017)

    According to the decision of the meeting of the Board of JSCB ‘InFinBank’ on February, 2017, JSCB ‘InFinBank’ located at 1st house, Taras Shevchenko street, Tashkent city, announced that at 17.00, on February 17, 2017 the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is going to be held at the conference hall of the Bank.

  • For the attention of shareholders of the Joint-Stock commercial bank «Invest Finance Bank» (November 4, 2017)

    According to the decision of the meeting of the Board of JSCB ‘InFinBank’ on November 2, 2017, JSCB ‘InFinBank’ located at 1st house, Taras Shevchenko street, Tashkent city, announced that at 17.00, on November 14, 2017 the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is going to be held at the conference hall of the Bank.

  • Public Events that are going to be held

    –‘Saturday’ devoted to the Navruz celebrations is held and traditional dishes, including Sumalyak  are cooked each year in our society;
    – Saturday dedicated to the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan is held;
    – In Saturdays, attached regions are landscaped, tree and flower seedlings are planted, inside of the building is cleaned and maintenance is carried out in may;
    - The  funds from the Saturday are devoted to the saving account of the Neighborhood Fund according to the recommendation of the Tashkent city administration;
    - Beside of this,
    - The Christmas tree is organized for workers` children;
    - Based on the of the decision of the governor of Tashkent, except from the days of holidays, the improvement  Saturdays are held twice a year; and the funds obtained from the Saturdays are dedicated to the saving account of the Neighborhood Fund.


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