In local currency

In local currency

In local currency

Term deposit**
Deposit period Interest rate (annual) Minimum amount (UZS) Additional terms
from 45 days 5% from 100 000,00 Replenishment is foreseen
from 60 days 9%
from 90 days 12%
from 180 days 14% Replenishment is foreseen
within 90 days
from 270 days 18% Replenishment is foreseen 
within 90 days
over 365 days 19% Replenishment is foreseen
within 90 days

**early withdrawal of the deposit is provided in the following order:

Term deposit
Deposit period Early repayment terms
45 to 59 days 60 to 89 days 90 to 179 days 180 to 269 days  270 to 364 days
from 45 days Not foreseen
from 60 days 5% - - - -
from 90 days 5% 9% - - -
from 180 days 5% 9% 12% - -
from 270 days 5% 9% 12% 14% -
over 365 days 5% 9% 12% 14% 18%

How to use a screen reader

Firstly, enable a screen reader mode. Then highlight necessary text and click on the emerging icon.
* The screen reader isn't compatible with Windows Vista and other older versions of Windows.