InfinBANK employees received state awards
In honor of the 30th anniversary of Independence, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, several employees of InfinBANK were awarded state awards.“The transformations taking place in our country are interesting to many states,” says President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. - The concept of "New Uzbekistan" has become a reality. Uzbekistan is recognized by the world community as one of the countries in the world that have achieved economic growth in the context of a pandemic. The programs "Obod kishlok", "Obod makhalla", "Five important initiatives", "Every family is an entrepreneur", "Yoshlar - kelajagimiz" radically improve the life of the population, the social atmosphere in society. We conquer any achievements in any industry only by our own labor. Your successes are the successes of the entire people, all of Uzbekistan.
Compatriots who distinguished themselves for their selfless work and outstanding achievements are awarded honorary titles, orders and medals of our state. The following employees of our bank were awarded the memorable sign "Uzbekiston Respubliksi Mustakilligining 30 Yilligi":
- Akhmadzhanov Aziz Nigmadzhonovich, Chairman of the Board of the Bank;
- Zikirillo Sagdullaevich Abdullaev, member of the bank's council;
- Yakubov Sardorbek Yuldashevich, manager of the Khorezm regional branch;
- Ataboev Fazlitdin Fakhrtdinovich, manager of the Andijan regional branch;
- Kholmatov Zuhriddin Kakhramon Ugli, head of the back office for monitoring retail lending in the Namangan regional branch;
- Sobirov Botur Madievich, head of the security department of the Bukhara regional branch;
- Tokhtasinov Dilshod Nurmamatovich, deputy manager of the Samarkand regional branch;
- Umarova Zuvayda Fazilzhanovna, chief specialist of the internal audit department of the Samarkand regional branch;
- Gorina Marina Yurievna, chief specialist of the back office of accounting and reporting of the Samarkand regional branch;
- Vakhapova Khatira Ganievna, head of the cashier of the Fergana regional branch;
- Askarov Adkhamjon Aslanovich, head of the administrative department of the Fergana regional branch;
- Rizokulov Mirolim Bakhromovich, head of the front office of corporate lending of the Kashkadarya regional branch;
- Tolibjonov Bekzod Azizkhon Ugli, acting the manager of the Kokand branch;
- Baymuradov Arslon Khanzharovich, chief accountant of the Kashkadarya regional branch;
- Alimov Kholmurod Zainobiddin Ugli, chief accountant of the Andijan regional branch;
- Reunkova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, head of the department for work with personnel of the Andijan regional branch;
- Murtazaev Bobir Kurbonovich, head of the front office of the retail business of the Kashkadarya regional branch
Congratulations on the awards of the Motherland!