Results of the competition within the framework of "Global Money Week"
In the spring of this year, the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and JSCB InfinBANK, within the framework of Global Money Week, held a competition "The best lesson in financial literacy" in the Khorezm region.
And here are the names of the winners:
- Allokova Sharofat Dzhamabaevna - school number 17, economics, grade 9;
Miskinova Ruza Shamuratovna - school # 19, mathematics, grade 9;
Matniyozova Maksuda Boyzhonovna - boarding school №32, labor, grade 5;
Sapaeva Barno Atanazarovna - boarding school No. 94, computer science, grade 8;
Yakubov Zhasurbek Kuchkarovich - school at the Khiva children's town №18, economics, grade 8;
Polvonova Muyassar Azimovna - boarding school №96, the basics of economic education, grade 11.
Their rewarding took place in the Khorezm branch of the JSCB "Invest Finance Bank".
Congratulations from our entire team on the victory!