Investment projects of JSCB "InfinBANK"

Investment projects of JSCB "InfinBANK"

Investment projects of JSCB "InfinBANK"

In the period from 2018 to March 2021, InfinBANK provided assistance in projects to improve the energy efficiency of enterprises in various areas.

1. Total project cost: $ 184,200

New jobs: 5 units.

The total amount of funds disbursed: $ 138,150

2. Total project cost: $ 57,000

New jobs: 3 units

The total amount of funds disbursed: $ 42,750

3. Total cost of the project: $ 64,960

New jobs: 5 units.

The total amount of funds disbursed: $ 48 720

4. Total project cost: $ 400,000

New jobs: 20 units

The total amount of funds disbursed: $ 300,000

5. Total cost of the project: $ 8,000,000

New jobs: 35 units
Total disbursed: $ 6,000,000

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