News and press releases

News and press releases

  • Сброс
  • January
  • Febrary
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • Happy Independence Day!

    The staff of "Invest Finance Bank" congratulates you with the greatest, dearest holiday - the 26th anniversary of our Independence.

    We wish you good health and great success in your noble deeds, which are aimed to the country prosperity and the people welfare!

  • Сongratulation on Kurban Hayit

    JSCB "InFinBank" congratulates people of Uzbekistan with the upcoming sacred and bright holiday of Kurban Hayit.

    We wish you all good health, peace, tranquility and prosperity.

  • JSCB "InFinBank is on the national Khashar

    Employees of our Bank participated in the national Khashar.


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