Plastic cards

Plastic cards

Plastic cards

Corporate Card is a credit card tied to the account of a legal entity. It is intended to cover expenses related to the economic activity of the company or it’s core business, including invoices, representative, travel and subsistence expenses.

The card can’t be used for payments of wages and social payments. Holders of corporate cards can make non-cash payments with the use of corporate cards in national currency for trade and service enterprises to pay the costs, determined by the «Regulations on the composition of the cost of production and sale of goods (works, services) and the procedure of forming financial results» approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on February 5, 1999 N 54, as amended.

Cash spent for cashless payment using corporate cards, are the means used by the holder of a card on report base and can be spent strictly for the defined goals.

The holder of a corporate card is required no later than 10 days from the date of receipt of a corporate card on the report base, to submit to the accounting department of a legal entity the report on spent money using corporate credit card. At using a corporate card to pay for travel expenses, corporate card holder is obliged to submit to the accounting department a report on amounts expended by the corporate bank card within terms, determined by legislation, after returning from a trip.

For registration of cards to a legal entity it is necessary to sign with the Bank contract on issuing and servicing of corporate cards, displaying information about the employees who will use these cards. To the contract should be attached an information about employees to whom cards should be issued and the power of attorney to them by the company. And also to open a current card account it is necessary to submit the relevant documents to the bank.


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